
Thursday, May 20, 2010

1000 Awesome Things...

If you haven't heard about the blog 1000awesomethings.com you're missing out. Our fellow Canadian, Neil Pasricha, started this blog in 2008. Neil's life was falling apart. His best friend took his own life and him and his wife went their different ways. So he tried to get things back on track by talking about one simple, universal little joy every single day.

The topics on this blog range from things like #956 Using Rock-Paper-Scissors to settle anything, #909 Bakery air and my absolute favorite #862 The laugh echo
The great thing about Neil is his understanding of how awesome biking is, he blogs about #509 Riding your bike really late at night when the streets are completely empty, and #640 Whipping down the hill really fast after you pedaled hard all the way up Now there's no way you can tell me you didn't nod your head in agreement while reading those posts!!

But I think Neil missed one...#1001 Tuesday night rides with the best group in town CTS...AWESOME!!!

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