
Monday, July 25, 2011

Recovery (after a ride)

So, you've completed a great ride, had a long 2 hours of steep climbs and a couple bails but, you finally mastered that skinny over the pond that's been taunting you all season. You're just getting home and about to reach for a beer (or a second or third) but what should you really be ingesting and doing after your ride to recover and be prepared for tomorrow?

Beer is a good thing! Don't get me wrong haha. It will probably top off the calories you've just burnt on the single tracks but beer alone will not replenish hydration levels, relieve muscle tightness nor will it help build stronger and flexible muscles. Here are a few guidelines to follow after the ride to help you get back out on the trails the next day (or just get you out of bed and to work the next moring).

-after a workout that is strenuous and intense it is not a good idea to just stop, and get into your car and make it to the couch and pass out. Your heart rate will be increased for a long time even after the workout, so to bring the blood presure and heart rate down to a normal level it is advised to do a "cool down". This is simply a non-stressful 5-10 minute casual pace to return your bodily functions back to normal. If a cool-down isn't performed you risk the chance of getting light headed, and possibly passing out because the blood in your body isn't getting circulated back to the heart and begins to pool in the lower extremities.

-by stretching you are promoting blood flow to the muscles and in doing so, removing waste from you circulatory system that will cause burning, inflammation and stiffness. Stretching also will bring oxygen to your muscles which will help them recover faster from your workout. Finally, by stretching on a frequent basis you will become more flexible and be less prone to injury since your muscles and tendons will be able to move more freely.

-asap or within the first 2 hours after your workout, your body is like a dry sponge ready for nutrients it just lost. By getting in a post workout drink (protein shake) or a quickly digestable meal that is made up of a balance of protein and carbohydrates and fats 30/30/30. By re-fueling your body right after the ride you will promote lean muscle building and fat burning. Without the intake of a balanced nutritional meal after a hard workout you risk the chance of losing muscle mass, and being very fatigued the next day.

-by cleaning your bike you will be able to notice any stress fractures in the frame welds.
-by getting the dirt out of your chain, rings and cog set and lubing it up you'll add some longevitiy to your drivetrain.

See you on the trails!

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