How to ride with control and power on nasty descents. Most riders live for the downhill. It's the reward at the top of a long climbs. But sometimes descending steep terrain with rocks, ruts, drops and sharp switchbacks—can be unnerving for even the best riders. These four simple steps I found on will have you descending smoother, faster and with more confidence than ever before.
1. Pick a line. About 50 feet before he reached that spot. Look ahead to find this line and committe to the line with no second guesses. The biggest crashes happen when riders think twice, panic and scrub speed.
2. Stay relaxed. Floats your butt above the saddle, with your knees and elbows bent to keep them loose. Locking your limbs causes your bike to feel jittery, decreasing control.
3. Get a grip. Put just one finger on each lever. The best mix of steering and braking control comes when your index fingers loop over the levers and the rest of your fingers hold the bar.
4. Brake when the trail is smooth. If you bomb full-speed through easy sections, you're forced to brake in the rough. Sounds counterintuitive, but smooth hardpack is where you have more traction and braking power.
The one finger on the break lever has saved me on many occasions from grabbing a whole handful of breaks. Such a great tip.